Daphnis and Chloe

Mountain Tea Bouquet


This extraordinary plant’s comforting, mellow, honey-scented sprigs make a delicate herbal infusion ideal for any time of the day. It takes one hour to assemble just 15 bouquets, making it one of the most elaborate products Daphnis and Chloe produce.

Good quality Mountain Tea has a delicate, herbaceous flavor that reminds of honey, and is naturally caffeine-free. It flourishes on rocky slopes over 1.000 meters. The supplier for Daphnis and Chloe was among the first to cultivate the green and purple-hued variety of the area, which has a significantly higher concentration of flavonoids, antioxidants, and phenolic content than its commercially available rivals.

Answering to the Latin name Sideritis, this herb was, in the past, a traditional folk remedy used to boost the immune system and aid the body against all sorts of ailments. Recent research shows that long-term use is highly beneficial for the organism, and its extracts can enhance memory and learning.


Use all parts of the plant. You’ll need 1 tsp (approximately 1g) per 250 ml cup, dosage on taste. Brew for 4-5 minutes at 95°C, covered. Strain and serve.

For optimal quality, place your bouquet in a long pasta jar or any airtight container. Properly storing your herbs is very important as it expands their life span. Avoid direct sunlight and humidity.

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