Tiana Gidley Creative

Self-Reflection Journal


WITHIN is more than a journal.

Filled with over 100 thoughtful and sometimes provocative prompts to draw you deeper, help ask life’s important questions, and bring you back to yourself, WITHIN aims to let your intuition take the lead (rather than external validation), so that you can find your answers, and TRUST them implicitly.

“I designed this journal with a singular intention: to create a dedicated space where your inner LIGHT can guide you—to clarity, to peace, to certainty, to joy. To anything and everything you could possibly desire from life, and so much more.” - Tiana Gidley of Tiana Gidley Creative & Founder of the WITHIN Self-Reflection Journal

DETAILS: 7×10”; College-ruled, 80-lb. paper with a double-wire bound spiral and a matte black, holographic foil cover.

Prompt categories include: Higher Calling and Purpose, Connection, Health and Wellness, Confidence, Clarity, + Creativity, Career and Money.

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