Identifying What Your Skin Needs

Your skin is unique. Your genetic makeup, daily rituals, where you live, and much more all play a factor into your skin health. It can take time with some trial and error to find what works for you, but once you find a routine that you can keep consistent - there is so much confidence found in feeling good in your own skin.

First and foremost, the most important steps of a skincare routine are: cleansing, moisturizing, and sun protection. Regardless of skin type and condition - these are principal. You would be amazed at how much simplifying your routine to these basics would do for your skin.

Regardless if you are just entering the world of skincare or are product junkie like we are, we wanted to give you stepping stones and guidance to empower you to assess what your skin needs. Here are some of the most common skin concerns we hear from our guests and a few of our tips for how to approach a solution:

For Fine Lines/Wrinkles:

The best items to incorporate to reduce the appearance of wrinkles is moisture, vitamin c, and sun protection. Fine lines are often due to a lack of hydration in the skin. Incorporating a moisturizer that will protect from water loss will help promote healthy skin functions of turning over and revealing new, plump skin cells. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects from the breaking down of collagen by free radicals and has been proven to synthesize collagen in the skin - we recommend applying in the morning before your SPF. UV rays are powerful and exposure leads to dehydration and the breaking down of collagen and elastin which keep your skin plump and smooth. Unprotected sun exposure is the number one cause of premature wrinkles.

For Sensitivities:

Most sensitivities in the skin are caused by a compromised barrier. Whether that is due to a skin condition such as rosacea or dermatitis, or caused by the overuse of actives in a routine and/or severely dehydrated skin. First tip for sensitive skin is to simplify. Back to the basics mentioned above and really pay attention to how hydrated your skin feels - it may be beneficial to include a hydrating serum or mist with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, aloe, glycerin and squalane. If your reactions are persistent and get in the way of your daily comfort, it could be beneficial to visit your dermatologist.

For Breakouts:

Hormonal fluctuations and not appropriately cleansing or moisturizing are among the top reasons for breakouts. Oily skin types will deal with breakouts more frequently due to the production of excess sebum clogging pores. Using a cleanser that will effectively remove any product on your skin as well as clear away the excess oil is fundamental to combatting future breakouts. After cleansing the oil away, your skin will need a replenishment of lightweight moisture. Finding a hydrating product that will replenish your skin after cleansing is the best way to balance the oil production on your face. Your skin may be over-producing sebum because it’s overcompensating for the lack of hydration.

    skincare products

    If you have concerns beyond this list or would like a personalized recommendation, send us a message! Fill out a skincare consultation form and we will get back to you!


    Written by Emma Keithley